Numero annuncio
Oggi sempre più aziende richiedono l'inglese come requisito minimo per una posizione lavorativa nel mondo degli affari. I tuoi titoli di studio e la tua esperienza lavorativa ti porteranno lontano, ma con la maggiore domanda di inglese, dobbiamo prepararci. Sono un insegnante ESL qualificato CELTA, livello 5 su 6 livelli a livello globale. Ho una laurea in Economia specializzata in comunicazione con 13 anni di esperienza e da 18 anni insegno a uomini e donne d'affari italiani di tutti i livelli. Contattami adesso per pianificare le tue lezioni e darti un vantaggio nella tua futura carriera.
More and more companies today are asking for English as a minimum requirement for a job position in business. Your education qualifications and work experience will get you so far, but with the higher demand for English, we need to get prepared. I am an ESL teacher qualified in CELTA, level 5 out of 6 levels globally. I have a business degree specialised in communications with 13 years experience and I have been teaching Italian businessmen and women of all levels for the last 18 years. Contact me now to plan your lessons and give yourself an advantage in your future career.
More and more companies today are asking for English as a minimum requirement for a job position in business. Your education qualifications and work experience will get you so far, but with the higher demand for English, we need to get prepared. I am an ESL teacher qualified in CELTA, level 5 out of 6 levels globally. I have a business degree specialised in communications with 13 years experience and I have been teaching Italian businessmen and women of all levels for the last 18 years. Contact me now to plan your lessons and give yourself an advantage in your future career.