Lavoro Call Center, Customer Service e Telemarketing
Benvenuto nella sezione dedicata al Customer Service e Telemarketing di Annunci.Net. Qui puoi trovare ogni giorno centinaia di nuove offerte di lavoro per operatori call center e addetti al customer care . Cerchi un lavoro come call center ? Guarda gli annunci e trova la miglior offerta full time o part time, tempo determinato o tempo indeterminato. Sei una azienda? Inserisci gratis il tuo annuncio e ottieni la massima visibilità!
Customer service - Call center - Telemarketing (Milano)Ciao!
Cerco 2 persone con cui instaurare un percorso lavorativo duraturo in ambito fitness.
Il lavoro è molto simil...
Customer service - Call center - Telemarketing (Milano)Cercasi addetto/addetta presa appuntamenti, orari flessibili e gestiti in totale autonomia.
Lavoro in modalità smart...
Customer service - Call center - Telemarketing (Milano)Welcome to Majorel! We are a leading customer experience multinational with over 82,000 professionals in 45 countries...
Customer service - Call center - Telemarketing (Milano)Description:
For an important partner in the cosmetics industry, L’Oréal Group, we are looking for brilliant resour...
Customer service - Call center - Telemarketing (Milano)Job description
For an important partner in the cosmetics industry, L’Oréal Group, we are looking for brilliant re...
Customer service - Call center - Telemarketing (Milano)Job description
For an important partner in the cosmetics industry, L’Oréal Group, we are looking for brilliant ...
Customer service - Call center - Telemarketing (Milano)Job description
For an important partner in the cosmetics industry, L’Oréal Group, we are looking for brilliant ...
Customer service - Call center - Telemarketing (Milano)DESCRIPTION
Majorel is now Teleperformance. Together, we can further refine our digital service offerings to help th...
Customer service - Call center - Telemarketing (Milano)DESCRIPTION
Majorel is now Teleperformance. Together, we can further refine our digital service offerings to help th...
Customer service - Call center - Telemarketing (Milano)Cerco collaboratori, per lavoro indipendente con orario flessibile e completamente gestibile, per azienda multinazion...
Customer service - Call center - Telemarketing (Milano)Majorel is now Teleperformance. Together, we can further refine our digital service offerings to help the world’s lea...
Customer service - Call center - Telemarketing (Milano)Majorel is now Teleperformance. Together, we can further refine our digital service offerings to help the world’s lea...
Customer service - Call center - Telemarketing (Milano)Majorel is now Teleperformance. Together, we can further refine our digital service offerings to help the world’s lea...
Customer service - Call center - Telemarketing (Milano)Job description
For an important partner in the cosmetics industry, L’Oréal Group, we are looking for brilliant re...
Customer service - Call center - Telemarketing (Cernusco Lombardone)Newlinetm. Srl società di Marketing Center seleziona 5 operatori telefonici per attività commerciale b2b/b2c ( -Aut...
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